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Friday, September 20, 2019

Ranga's marriage

Ranga's marriage 

Ranga's marriage

Ranga's marriage 
when you see this title. some of you may ask, ''Ranga's marriage?' why not ranganatha vivaha, or 'ranga natha vijaya? well yes, I know i could have used some other mouth filing of like "jagannatha vijaya" or" Giriga kalyana, " But then , this is not about jagannatha's victory or girija's Wedding, It's about our own Ranga's marriage and hance no fancy title, Hoshahalli is our village, You most have haerd of it, No? What a pity! But it is a not your fault, there is no mention of it in any geography book, those sahibs in England, writing in english, probably do not know that such a place exists, and so  make no mention of it, Our own people to forget about it, You know how is it, they are like a flock of sheep, One sheep walks into a pit, the rest blindly a follow it, When both, the sahibs in England , and our own geographer's, have not referred to it, you cane  not expect the poor cartographer's, to remember put it on the map, can you? And so there is not even the shadow of your village on any map.

Ranga's marriage

Ranga's marriage 
Sorry, I started somewhere and then went off in another direction, If the state of Mysore is to bharat vardha  what the sweet karigadabu' is to a festive meal, then hoshahalli is to Mysore state what the filing is to the karigadabu. what i have said is absolutely true , believe me, I will not object to your questioning it but I will stick to my opinion, I am not the only one who speaks glowingly of hasahalli, We have a dovtor in our place, His name is a gandabhatta. He agrees with me . He has been to  quite a few places, No, not England, if anyone asks whether he has been there, he says,"No, annayya, I have left that to you, Running around like a flea pestered dog , is not for me, I have seen a few place  in my time, though," As matter of fact, he has seen many.

Ranga's marriage

Ranga's marriage 
We have some mango trees in our village. come visit us,and I will give you a rew mango from one of them , Do not eat it, just take a bite, The dourness is sure to go straight to your brahmarandhara, I once took one such fruit home and chutney was made out of it, all of us ate it, the cough we suffered from,, after that! It was when i went for the cough medicine, that the doctor told me about the special quality of the fruit.

Ranga's marriage 
just as the mango is special, so is everything else around our village, We have creeper growing in the ever so find water of the village pond, Its flowers are fast behold, Get two leaves from the creeper when you go to the pond for your bath, and you will not have to worry about not having leaves on wich to serve the afternoon meal. you will say i am rambling , It is always like that when the subject your village come up, but enough, If any one of you would like to visit us, drop me a line I will let  you know where hosahalli is and what thing are like here, the best way of getting to know a place is to visit it, don't you agree?

what i am going to tell you is something that happened ten years ago, We did not have many people who know English, then our village accountant was the fist one who had enough courage to send the son to bangalore to study. It is different now , there are many how know English, During the holiday, you come across then on street, talking in English, those days , we did not speaking in English , nor did we bring in English words will talking in kannada, what has happened is disgraceful, believe me, the other day, I was rama rao's house when the bought a bundle, of firewood, rama rao's son come out to pay for it, he asked the women , "How much i should I give you? Fore pice '' she said '.the boy told her he did not have any change " and asked here to com the next morning , The poor women did not understand the English word "change" and went away muttering , to herself, I too did not know later, when I wnt to ranga's house and asked him, I understood what it meant.

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