Albert Einstein at school life
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Albert Einstein |
Albert Einstein
In what year, Einstein," asked the history teacher, "did the Prussians defeat the French at Waterloo?"
"I don't know sir,"
"Why don't you know? You've been told it often enough."
"I most have forgotten.
"Did you ever try to learn?" asked Mr Braun.
" No, sir," Albert replied with his usual unthinking honesty.
" Why not?"
"I can't see any point in learning dates, One can always look then up in a book.
"Mr Braun was speechless for a few moments.
"You amaze me, Einstein," he said at last, "Don't you realise that one can always look most things up books? that applies to all the facts you learn at school."
"Yes, sir"
"then i suppose you don't see any point in learning facts."
"frankly, sir, I don't" said Albert.
" then you don't believe in education at all?
"Oh' yes, sir, I do, I don't thing learning facts is education."
" In the case," said the history teacher with heavy sarcasm ,
"perhaps you will be so kind us to tell class the Einstein theory of education,
Albert Einstein flushed
"I think it's not facts the matter, but ideas," he said, "I don't see the point in learning, the dates of battles, or even which of the armies killing more man, I'd be more interested in learning why those soldiers were try to kill each other, "
"that enough Mr Braun's eyes were cold and cruel, "We don't want a lecture from you, Einstein, you will stay in for an extra period today, although I don't imagine it will do you much good, It wan't do the school any good'. either, You are a disgrace, I don't know why you continue to came.
"It's not my wish, sir, Albert pointed out,
" then you are ungrateful boy and ought to be ashamed ' of your self , I suggest you ask your father to take away.
Albert Einstein felt miserable when he left school. that afternoon; not that it had been a bad boy, most day were be now, anyway but because he had go to back to the hateful place, the next morning, He only wished his father was take him away, but there was no point in even asking, he know what the answer would be, he would stay to away until he had taken hes diploma .
Going back to his lodgings did not cheer him up. His father had so little money to spare that Albert had been found a room, in one of the poorest quarter Munich, He did not mind the bad food and lack of comfort, or even the dirt and squalor. beat he heated the atmosphere of slum violence, His landlady beat her children regularly. and every Saturday her husband come drunk and beat her.
But at least you have a room of your own, which is more can i then say," said Yuri when he called round in the evening, At least you live among civilised human beings, even if they are all poor students' said Albert.
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Albert Einstein |
Albert Einstein
they are not all civilised, " Yuri replied ." did you not here that one of them was killed last week in a duel?"
"And what happens to the one who killed him?"
"Nothing., of course . He is even proud of it, His only worry is that the authorities have told him not to fight any more duels, He's upset about this because he hasn't a single scar on his face to wear for the rest of his life as a are the students,"
"Ugh! exclaimed Albert," And these are the students,"
"Well. you'll be a student one day, " said Yuri."
" I doubt it," said Albert glumly . " I don't think I'll even pass the exams for the school diploma. "
He told his cousin Elsa the some next time she come to Munich,
Normally she lived in Berlin, where her father had a business,
"I'm sure you could learn enough to pass the exames Albert.
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"If you tried ," she said, I know lost of boys, who much more stupid then you are, who get through. They said you don't have to know anything. you don't have to understand what you're taught, just be able to repeat it in the exams.
"That's the whole trouble," said Albert," I'm no good at learning things by heart."
"You don't need to be good at it. Anyone can learn like a parrot. You just don't try. And yet i always see you with a book under your arm, " What is the one you're reading?"
"A book on geology."
"Geology? Rocks and things? Do you learn that?"
"No. We have hardly any science at school."
" They why are you studying it?"
"Because I like it. Isn't that a good enough reason?"
Elsa sighed.
"You'r write of course. Albert, " she said, "But it won't help with your diploma."
Goodbye- and good luck.
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